Supplement to the instructions for use
Isolette 8000 plus
– The surface disinfectant has been prepared in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
– The manufacturer's instructions, e.g., regarding shelf life or application
conditions, are observed.
– An uncontaminated, lint-free cloth soaked in surface disinfectant is used for the
cleaning surface disinfection.
Risk due to penetrating liquid
Penetrating liquid may cause the following:
– Damage to the device
– Electric shock
– Device malfunctions
Ensure that no liquid penetrates the device.
1. Wipe off obvious soiling with a disposable cloth soaked in surface disinfectant.
Dispose of the cloth.
2. Wipe all surfaces. After that, there must no longer be any soiling visible.
Surface disinfection
3. Wipe cleaned surfaces again to visibly wet all surfaces to be disinfected with
surface disinfectant.
4. Wait for the surface disinfectant contact time.
5. At the end of the contact time, moisten a new, uncontaminated and lint-free cloth
with water (at least drinking water quality).
6. Wipe all surfaces until no remains of the surface disinfectant, such as foam
residues or streaks, are visible.
7. Wait until the surfaces are dry.
8. Check the surfaces for visible damage and, if necessary, replace the product.
Supplementary information
Do not spray cleaning solution directly onto the surface of the device.
Do not spray cleaning solution into the openings of the sensor module to avoid
moisture on to the electronic components.
Reprocessing the shell, trolley, and condensation management bracket (if
Risk of injury or damage to the device
Liquid could damage the motor shaft.
When cleaning the interior of the incubator shell, prevent liquids from entering
the motor shaft.
When cleaning the surface of the air circulation well, prevent liquids from
entering the motor shaft opening.