Flight drills
After your flight training it’s important to keep flying and hone your flying skills. We have
seen instances where people have come back for the training of two, three or four pilots
but they only have one helicopter system. Over time it works out that one or two people
are the primary pilots and the others are not able to fly often. Because they are not flying
on a regular basis they quickly loose their skills and confidence.
If you can’t afford multiple Draganfly systems another approach is to compliment the
helicopter system with an inexpensive aircraft like the “Lil’ Draganflyer” that is provided
along with your purchase. The Lil’ Draganflyer is not as sophisticated but it serves as a
good training platform to maintain your basic flight skills.
Understand that just “flying
around” isn’t practice. To really
practice your skills you need
to have clear goals and fly
structured flight drills.
You were exposed to flight
drills during your Draganfly
training and we encourage you
to continue running drills with
the same course using small
soccer or traffic cones flying
either your Draganflyer X4-ES
system or the Lil’ Draganflyer
pictured here.
The following provides some suggested ideas for various flight drills and feel free to get
creative and create some of your own. The important thing is to have clear goals and fly
over a course of specific objects to provide some form of measure to determine how
well you are doing. For example flying with the helicopter “nose-in” in a stationary hover
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