7.1. Programme management
Cycle library
: all the available cycles are stored in this folder by default, but it is also possible
to create new personalised cycles or edit already existing cycles.
The programmable parameters in the drying cycles are as follows:
1. Drying time (ºC/ºF)
: maximum permitted temperature in the drum.
2. Drying time (minutes)
3. Objective relative humidity of drying (% RH):
requires the humidity control kit which
must be on.
4. Rotation reversal (seconds):
if this is activated (ON) it is possible to select the rotation
time in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions independently.
5. Drum rotation speed.
6. Air input temperature (ºC/ºF):
requires temperature sensor kit at the air input, which
must be on.
7. Operating mode in heat pump.
In cooldown cycles (or drum cooling with the heating off):
1. Objective cooldown temperature (ºC/ºF)
2. Maximum cooldown time (minutes)
3. Rotation reversal (seconds):
if this is activated (ON), it is possible to select the rotation
time in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions independently.
4. Drum rotation speed.