AZ motor
Edition 4
Instructions for bearings replacement
2.1. Motor introduction
External rotor motor types AZ are electronically commutated motors with high efficiency at
all operating area and low level of noise. The high efficiency is reflected in low motor
heating. The motors can operate between -40 and +52°C ambient temperature.
AZ motors are designed in four lamination diameters of stator: 84 mm (AZ 84), 108 mm (AZ
108), 150 mm (AZ 150) and 220 mm (AZ 220). They are made in degree of protection IP54
(closed housing). The motors are equipped with connecting cables and can be easily
connected with motor controllers.
Electronically commutated motor must be always used together with a motor controller.
Motor cannot operate without controller. Motor must not be connected directly to
voltage supply.
2.2. Purpose of usage
AZ motors are designed as standard industrial motors. On the motor shaft it is possible to
mount different types of fans used for all kind of purposes. Beside fans drive they can be used
for drive of water pumps, air compressors and all kind of industrial machines, where precise
speed regulation is needed.