Sigma Plus
Assembly / Type 382
Type 382
This chapter describes the assembly of the knurled pin and the lever.
Requirements: 1 filled cylinder core with assembly bushing (266674), 1 matching
key, 1 lever (200013), 1 knurled pin (242081), 2 hexagon nuts core (201306), 1
hexagon nut body (201320), 2 open-jawed wrenches SW14 and SW30.
Note! You have already filled the core and an assembly bushing secures
the core pins. The assembly bracket is still at the body and secures the
body pins.
Fig. 39: Insert core
1. Apply the core to the cylinder body.
2. Insert the cylinder core into the cylin-
der body that it is precisely fitting. The
assembly bushing is stripped off.
3. Remove the assembly bracket and
rotate the cylinder core clockwise un-
til the pins fall into the provided bores.
Fig. 40: Adjust closing direction and
attach lever
4. Please set the required closing
direction with the knurled pin.
closing clockwise
: Please insert the
knurled pin into the vertical boring
closing anti-clockwise
: Please
insert the knurled pin on the left side
whilst facing the DOM-logo.
5. Please push the lever on the cylinder
core from behind in the position