Sigma Plus
Assembly / Type 333H
Type 333H
This chapter describes the assembly of the cam and the end piece as well as the po-
sitioning of the cam for type 333H.
Requirements: 1 matching key, 1 end piece (204217), 1 cam (218426 008), 2 secu-
rity rings (202335F) for the cam, 1 security ring (202335F) for the extended side (op-
tional), 1 pliers (263629) for the cam, 1 pliers (261669) for the extension piece (op-
Caution! The cylinder core is not yet fixed by the security ring. If you in-
sert the key the core may be pulled out completely from the body again
and the pins will fall out. In such an event core and body have to be
completely re-filled.
Fig. 21: Insertion of cam and end piece
1. Please insert a matching key.
2. Please turn key gently.
3. Please pull out the cylinder cores to
such an extent until core or core ex-
tension piece provides a flush fit in-
ternally with the cylinder body.
4. Please insert the cam into the cylin-
der body in such a way that the open-
ing with the spring pin points towards
the end piece.
5. Please hold the cam in such a posi-
tion that it provides flush fit with the
cylinder body at top and overlaps lat-
erally a little at the bottom.
6. Please push the core back into the
cylinder body.
7. Please turn the core into its initial po-
sition and pull out the key while fas-
tening the core.
8. Please insert the end piece into the
cylinder body in such a way the
spring pin of the cam slides over the
chamfered part of the end piece.