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F-710-017, V1.2 TCM 330 / TCM 330U User Manual | v1.1 | August 2016 | Page 32/62
TCM 330 / TCM 330U
Wireless LED Controller Module
Occupancy sensor and switches
If wireless occupancy sensors are used in conjunction with wireless switches then by de-
fault Occupancy Auto OFF functionality is enabled and Auto ON functionality is disabled.
I.e. the default behaviour in this setup is that occupancy sensor input will only be used to
switch the light OFF in order to conserve energy.
Timer-based Auto OFF (as defined by RockerAutoOffTimer) is always disabled if at least one
occupancy sensor is linked.
Occupancy-based Auto ON function can be enabled by setting OccAutoOn = ON. In this
case light is also switched ON automatically if a linked occupancy sensor reports motion.
In that case, if the current light level is OFF (0%) and a linked occupancy sensor reports
motion then the output light level is set to OccAutoOnLevel.
If the current light level is ON (any level > 0%) then the current light level is not changed if
a linked occupancy sensor reports motion.
If a user has switched the light OFF via linked wireless switch then LED controller can be
prevented from switching the light back ON based on input from linked occupancy sensors
(if Auto ON functionality is enabled) for a period defined by OccAutoOnDelay (default 15
In that case input from linked occupancy sensors is discarded during this period. This can
be useful in a situation where Auto ON functionality is enabled and the user manually
switches the light OFF, e.g. during a presentation.
If light has been switched OFF due to Occupancy Auto OFF function then light will be auto-
matically turned back ON at the last state if occupancy is reported within a period set by
VacancyGraceTimer period (default 45s) even when Auto ON functionality is disabled.
If OccAutoOffLevel is set to a value different from OFF (0%) – e.g. to 10% - then the Auto
OFF function of the occupancy sensor will set the light to that level. Light can then be
switched fully OFF by single or double click on the “0” button of a linked wireless switch.