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APPENDIX D: Updating MAQs V1.0/V2.0 to V3.0
If your MAQ is still under warranty the update has to be done at the manufacturer (Doepfer)
or an authorized service company. Otherwise you will loose your warranty. We will send you
a list of all authorized service companies upon request.
If you are in doubt whether you are capable to install the update you should send the
MAQ16/3 to the manufacturer or an authorized service company before you destroy the unit.
The installation of the update is not suitable for electronic laymans or beginners.
We cannot guarantee if the update is carried out incorrect by the customer. In this case the
MAQ has to be repaired with costs at the manufacturer (Doepfer) or an authorized service
company. As a rule this is much more expansive than the price for the installation of the
update at the manufacturer or an authorized service company. Please read this installation
manual very carefully before you start the installation. If you believe that you are not capable
to do the installation after reading this page you may send your MAQ and the V3.0 update
set to the manufacturer or an authorized service company. The global amount for the
installation ist 100.- DM. This is valid only if the MAQ is in its original state (installation not
yet started) and has no faults. Otherwise it is treated as a repair and the costs depend upon
the time and parts required for the repair.
Installation of the update does not extend the warranty period. Decisive for the warranty is
only the date of purchasing the MAQ itself and not the date of purchasing the update.
Updating a MAQ16/3 with V1.X or 2.X to V3.X requires the following procedures:
First of all you need the following tools:
Different screw drivers (for case screws, for the small screw of the data knob, for removing
integrated circuits and eventually for the trimming potentiometers of the CV outputs), special
tool for removing integrated circuits with PLCC case, pliers or wrench for
potentiometer/alpha dial and CV/Gate mini jack nuts, drilling machine with 8.0 or 8.5 mm drill
(for CV/Gate mini jacks)
Remove all connecting cables (MIDI, power supply).
Remove the top cover and rear cover by loosing the case screws (4 on top side, 6 on rear
side). On the bottom you will find the old MAQ basic board.
Remove alle connectors from the basic board (one 16 core flat cable leading to the control
board and three 10 core flat cable leading to the potentiometer boards).
Remove the knob of the Data Potentiometer (small screw in the knob, very small screw
driver required).
Remove the Data Potentiometer by loosing the nut
Remove the 4 screws holding the basic board at the case bottom and remove the old
basic board. Remove the 4 distance bolts. They will be used later for mounting the new basic
Remove the integrated circuits 80535 (the large square IC) and 74HC573 with suitable
tools and insert the two circuits into the new basic board. At the 80535 you will find a
marking point that must fit with the arrow of the 68 pin socket for the 80535. Additionally the
80535 has one flat edge that must fit with the flat egde of the 68 pin socket. Regarding the
74HC573 the mark of the IC must with fit the mark of the 20 pin socket for the 74HC573.
To Remove the circuits you need suitable tools! In case of doubt you should send to us both
basic boards before you destroy the expansive 80535 or the PLCC68 socket. It is also
possible to send the old basic board to us if you order the V3.0 update. In this case we will
move the circuits from the old to the new board free of charge.
Install the new basic board at the place of the old board using the distance bolts of the old
basic board. The 4 drills fit with those of the old board.
Install the alpha dial instead of the Data Potentiometer and mount the Data knob (small