Page 19
In the One Event mode only one step is played (the same effect as first step=last step). This
mode makes sense only in combination with the remote control features of the MAQ. You
may scan through a sequence with remote functions (for details see Appendix A „Remote
Functions via MIDI In“).
This menu selects the single step-mode. It may be used for programming a given sequence
step by step or for experimental purposes. Additionally single steps can be muted/demuted.
When entering the menu first time you are in the Global Single Step Mode. This means that
you have access to all three rows at a time. The data-entry dial is used to select one of the
steps 1-16. The step in question will be selected in all three rows and is indicated by three
illuminated LEDs one for each row. Each step is scanned in the previously selected tempo.
For example, if NOTE ON/OFF has been assigned to all three rows in menu 1 one can now
easily set the desired triad for each column. If only one or two rows are to be adjusted, then
the undesired row(s) can be temporarily disabled in menu 1 (Event-type "---") or by using the
mute feature (see below) for a single step.
If you have updated from 2.0 to 3.0:
The Global Single Step Mode is equivalent to the Single Step Mode of V2.0 with one
exception: the display shows the step/column number rather than the data value of a step. In
V3.0 the data value of a single setp is displayed only in the Single Step Mode for a Single
Row (see below).
If you press the menu button once again you enter the
Single-Step-Mode for a single Row
In this mode one of the 3 rows is glimmering. With the data knob one step within the
glimmering row can be selected. Using the menu button the next row is selected. The data
value of the step selected - i.e. the MIDI value transmitted - appears in the display. This
value corresponds not necessarily to the knob position. If a preset was called up and the
knob position was not yet changed the display shows the value from the preset memory (for
details see chapter Preset). Consequently the single step mode can be used to
display the values of a preset sequence. Only if preset 0 was called up or if the knob was
turned the knob positions correspond to the data values displayed !
The data range is different for different event types (e.g. nA1 = 36...48, nA2 = 36...60,
nA3=36...72, nA4=36...84, nA5=36...96, Controller = 0...127 and so on).
The Start/Stop button is used to mute/demute the step selected. The function is toggling i.e.
repeatet pressing the Start/Stop button performs mute-demutes-mute..... and so on. In case
a step is muted the corresponding LED remains dark.
Attention: The Start/Stop button has a special function in this mode and cannot be used to
leave the menu or to start/stop the sequence!
Using the menu button to select a row and the data knob to select a step within the row each
single step of the MAQ can be adressed and muted/demuted with the Start/Stop button.