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Detailed Description of the Menus
The following general remarks apply to all menus and will not be repeated in the description
of each individual menu:
1. A menu is selected by pressing the corresponding MENU-button. The menu selected is
visually indicated by an illuminated LED. Exception: In the Preset menu the LEDs 7 and 8
are illuminated.
2. One can exit from a menu by pressing a different MENU-button except the Start/Stop
3. In menus 1-6 one can select the desired row by pressing the same MENU-button again,
since these menus refer to one of the three rows of dials. The corresponding row is indicated
by a glimmering display of all LEDs of the row. Only the step selected lights up with full
The process is circular 1-2-3-1-2..., i.e. if the button is pressed again while row 3 is selected
the program jumps back to row 1.
4. The parameters within the menu selected are adjusted via the data-entry dial beneath the
If you have updated from 2.0 to 3.0:
The display of the row selected by one of the three decimal points in combination with the
toggling of the display has been cancelled to the credit of the more comfortable glimming
display. The data potentiometer of V1.0/2.0 has been replaced by an endless rotary encoder
(alpha dial).
Realtime Operation
All parameters in menus 1-6 can be altered during operation, i.e. while the sequence is
running. However, please note that this may lead to undesired side-effects. So we suggest
to change settings in the menus 1-6 only while the sequencer has stopped until you are
familiar with the controls.
In particular a change in the type of MIDI-Event (menu 1) or the MIDI channel (menu 2) while
the sequence is running may trigger unexpected effects.
For example, if the operating is changed from Note to Controller during operation, notes can
get stuck since a NOTE ON-instruction may suddenly be missing its corresponding NOTE
OFF-instruction., Another example are undesired controller messages while turning the
data-entry dial in MIDI-event mode (Menu 1) while a sequence is running (e.g. Volume/Ctr.
# 7 with data = 0 may mute a midi channel / Modulation/Ctr. # 1 with data = 127 may cause
high modulation).
It is therefore not recommended to make such substantial changes during operation,
especially since they would not make a great deal of sense during live performances
On the other hand, FIRST/LAST STEP (Menu 3), TIME (Menu 4) or MODE (Menu 5) lend
themselves very well to modification during operation, including live performances.