If any other problems related to the force transducer are encountered, please contact DMT for advice or
further instructions.
Figure 4.2 Illustration of the transducer house
Transducer house
If the force transducer breaks and needs to be replaced, follow this step-by-step replacement procedure
1. Remove the pin or jaw from the transducer
pin coming out of the transducer house.
2. Disconnect the Wire Myograph from the
Multi Interface.
3. Turn the Wire Myograph upside down and
remove the transducer housing by loosening
the two screws (A+B) and the other six screws
indicated with arrows as illustrated in figure
4. Disconnect the transducer connector marked
with the blue box in figure 4.4.
5. Lift carefully the broken transducer and
discard it. (Figure 4.4)
6. The replacement transducer will be shipped
with the new transducer inside a new
transducer house.
7. Place a small amount of vacuum grease (clear
or whitish grease) around the bottom of the
transducer housing to seal when set back in
8. Drag the transducer connector through the
chamber base and connect it again. Carefully
realign the transducer housing with the
new transducer on the Wire Myograph and
reinsert the Allen screws through the bottom
of the Wire Myograph.
9. Tighten the screws and place some vacuum
grease around the transducer pin that
protrudes from the transducer housing,
see figure 4.1. Make sure that the hole is
completely sealed to prevent buffer solution
or water from entering the transducer housing
and damaging the new force transducer.