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Figure: Calibration File Directory
3.3.3 Run the calibration files in L1
Store the calibration file under the root directory of a microSD card and insert into the L1, connect
L1 to a M300 RTK and power on the M300 RTK. Wait for about 5 minutes to complete the
calibration. There is no App notification during the calibration currently.
To confirm the calibration process is completed: remove the microSD card from the L1, open the
log file with suffix “.txt”, the calibration process is successful if the log file shows “all succeed”.
Figure: The txt file will show “all succeed” if the calibration is successful
3.3.4 How to restore factory parameters?
In case you need to restore the factory parameters of the L1 sensor, please follow below steps:
Create a new .txt text file, and name it as reset_cali_user. Open the file and write the SN serial
number of the L1 that needs to be reset, with the format of “SN number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX”
(find the SN serial number in the .CLI file that’s saved on the microsd card, or view in the device
version information in Pilot app by going to the three dots in the right in manual flight, the three
dots sub menu, then About).