1592025400 – Vers. 1.0
- 139
Inside the iPRO, as default, there is a Website where is possible to get some information
about the configuration, the working status and the variables value.
To see the website launch, in your browser, the command:
• (if your IP is different, write the correct one)
The “HOME” window will appear:
The command that you can use in this first page are:
To see and delete the Doglog.
You can check if there have been failures or reboots of the system; here below an
example of reboot message:
Disable the Watchdog.
The default status of Watchdog is enable; this control reboot automatically the
system when some malfunction happens.
BE AWARE: this control has to be disable “manually” only during the test or debug of
your application. To enable the control reboot the iPRO.
Reboot the machine.
This command restart the iPRO.