For issues with the Allure EC-Smart-Vue Series Communicating Sensor, refer to the Allure EC-Smart-Vue Series Communicating Sensor Hardware
Installation Guide.
Status LED– Normal Operation
One fast blink
Initialization: The device is starting up.
Fast blink continuous:
(150ms On, 150ms Off, continuous)
Firmware upgrade in progress. Controller operation is temporarily unavailable. The new firmware is being
loaded into memory. This takes a few seconds. Do not interrupt power to the device during this time.
The Status LED is always OFF
The controller is operating normally.
Status LED blink patterns – Repeats every 2 seconds (highest priority shown first)
Long blink continuous:
(1s On, 1s Off, continuous)
The controller is unconfigured.
Appropriate action: Commission the controller
Long Long Long blink
(800ms On, 300ms Off, 800ms On, 300ms Off, 800ms On)
The controller is offline.
Appropriate action: Set the controller Online
Long Short Short Short blink
(800ms On, 300ms Off, 150ms On, 300ms Off, 150ms On, 300ms Off, 150ms On)
The controller is in bypass mode.
Appropriate action: Set the controller Online
Short Short Long blink
(150ms On, 300ms Off, 150ms On, 300ms Off, 800 ms On)
Poor-quality power; The device has browned-out: The voltage at the 24VAC and 24VCOM terminals has
gone below the device’s acceptable limit during power up.
Fast blink 12x:
(80ms On, 80ms Off, 12x)
Wink. The wink function is used to identify a device.