Reflex Duplicator Manual
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occurs, it tends to waste all of your blank recordable
5.3 System Info - By entering this menu, you will be able to
see the many specification of your duplicator such as the
firmware version, CPU type, RAM capacity. You can
check the specifications by pressing UP or DOWN
5.4 Device Info - By entering this menu, you will be able to
see the information for devices built inside your
5.5 Update Firmware - This function will update the
software of your duplicator. To update, you need to
insert manufacture Certified Update CD into the Reader
and select this function by pressing “ENT“ button. We
strongly suggest you to not upgrade your duplicatorís
firmware unless your duplicator is getting unstable
5.6 Test Option
5.6.1 Compare
This menu will guide you to
perform a bit-by-bit comparison between the
Master Reading Source and all the copied discs
inside the writer tray. The purpose to perform this
compare operation is to ensure all of your copies
have the exactly same information as your Master
Reading Source
Verify - This menu will guide you to
perform Disc Readalibility Check. This operation
will check the readiblity of your mater discs and the
copied discs. The purpose to perform this verify
operation is to ensure all of your copies are
Test Master
6.7 Manage Accounts - This feature allows you, the
administrator, to have the power to:
Create user accounts and passwords to prevent
unauthorized use of this duplicator.
Edit existing user account information, including name
and password.
Reflex Duplicator Manual
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Delete existing user account(s).
Enable/Disable this feature.
For more information, please refer to “Tutorial Guide XI
- Introduction to Account Management Feature.“
6.8 Format Hard Drive
6.9 Erase - This menu will guide you to erase your
rewriteable discs in the WRITER Tray. There are two
options to erase your rewriteable discs: Full Erase: It will
erase the entire disc which will make it impossible to be
recovered. Quick Erase: It will erase the index of the
rewritable disc, not the data section.
- Use this fuction to properly Turn-Off the