DIRECTV Field Operations Training
Version 1.3.0
DIRECTV Wireless Cinema Connection Kit
What is a Wireless Cinema Connection Kit
The Wireless DIRECTV CINEMA™ Connection Kit, or W-DCCK, pro-
vides DIRECTV customers with easy access to the DIRECTV CIN-
EMAplus™ service and other DIRECTV broadband services.
This equipment will connect the customer’s wireless router and
the DIRECTV Receiver or DIRECTV Whole-Home DVR service com-
patible network without any major wiring ran through the home.
Prior to the Wireless Cinema Connection Kit, a broadband or
receiver DECA would have to be installed at the customer’s router
and receiver (except on an H/HR24) to bring internet connectivity
to the receiver. Some installations would also use powerline equip-
ment, which uses the customer’s electrical lines to transmit data.
By using this new hardware, we reduce the amount of wiring and
additional hardware required.
Let’s take a closer look at the W-DCCK.