D I R E C T H E A L T H C A R E S E R V I C E S . C O . U K
1. Introduction
The Mattress consists of a foam head cell and series of 14 transverse air cells, each containing a unique
foam profiled insert, which are in turn held within a foam U Core, all protected by a vapour permeable
waterproof cover. The single head end cell and the formers consist of foam only. The transverse cells
are arranged into alternate pairs of A and B cells which are filled and emptied in sequence.
In Static Mode, the mattress attains the pressure reducing properties of the Dyna-Form Mercury
static foam mattress (details available on request), whilst in Alternating Mode the mattresses is
able to offer similar properties to a pressure relieving dynamic system.
The Mattress consists of a series of 14 transverse air cells, each containing a unique foam
profiled insert, which are in turn held within a foam U Core, all protected by a vapour permeable
waterproof cover. The transverse cells are arranged into alternate pairs of A and B cells which are
filled and emptied in sequence while the single head end cell and the formers remain inflated.
The digitally controlled Power Unit controls a pump that allows air to flow into, or out of the air
cells as required according to the operating mode selected. It also maintains the air pressure
within the mattress at the required level and controls the action of the audible/visual Audible
Warning system in the event of mains supply failure or over or under inflation pressure. A CPR
Valve located at the pump end of the umbilical hose permits the rapid deflation of the Mattress in
an emergency.
Power Switch Audible Warning Reset
The power switch simply switches the mains power to the pump on and off.
When the pump detects an Audible Warning condition, this can be silenced as below and re-
set by switching the pump off and then back on again.
CPR Valve
Please ensure that the CPR connector is always placed fully home, prior to inflating the
mattress. NB: The mattress will NOT inflate properly should this not be the case.
The CPR connector is only to be used in the event of a clinical emergency for priority use.
However, disconnecting this function will cleverly deflate air rapidly from the mattress in
readiness for transport / static mode.
2. Quick Reference Guide
(Frequently used functions)
This is a quick reference guide for the
Dyna-Form Mercury Advance System
Product Code MAT/MERADV/198/88/15