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Error Codes will be indicated by a number of beeps and
the flashing 6 center red LED’s. Count the number of
beeps in a row. This will be the error number. If there is
more than one error condition, there will be a pause and
then it will beep the next error numbe r. It will co nt i n u o u s l y
repeat this cycle until the charger is reset.
To reset the charger from an Error mode, remove the base
from the charger and turn the charger off, wait 5 seconds,
and turn the charger on again. If the error persists, turn the
charger off, unplug the power cord, wait 5 seconds, press
the up arrow, down arrow, or power button and plug it in
again. If the error still persists, turn the charger off and call
the Dinex® Service Department at 1-888-673-4639.
Damaged base
Current draw too high
Electronics are overheating
Input line voltage too low
Input line voltage too high
Base communication error
Zero cross error
Foreign object detected
Communication error
* If the unit appears to work fine in cooking mode and does not give you any errors but will not sense the base, try a different
known good base. If the top of the glass is very hot, it may have problems sensing the base. Let the unit cool for 15-20 minutes
and try again.
Unit tried and failed to read the base
5x or the base’s information is invalid.
Draw too much power. Metallic object
may be present on the charger or
there may be mechanical damage to
the work coil.
Fan broken, air path blocked or intake
air too hot.
AC source too high. Also could be
caused by broken or blocked fan.
After trying 5 times, the charger failed
to properly recognize the base.
Bad AC source, board component fail-
ure or AC signal coming in is bad.
Base not centered properly or
programmed incorrectly. Time/Data is
RFID board not talking to CPU board.
Remove base and try different base.
Remove pan and space farther away
from surface or try smaller pan. Check
for foreign objects around locator.
Check airflow. Clear air vents. Listen for
fan operation.
Make sure that the line voltage is
consistent with the operational
requirements of the unit.
Make sure that the line voltage is
consistent with the operational
requirements of the unit. Ma ke sure fan
is running and air flow is not bloc ke d.
Set that base aside for later use and try a
d i f fe re nt base.
Tu rn unit off, then on. Plug into outlet
s o m e w h e re else.
Re m ove base and check for fo re i g n
o b j e cts on surf a ce. Re t ry.
Unplug unit, wait 5 minutes and try again.
Dinex® Service Hotline 888-673-4639
Error Description
Action Required
Potential Cause