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You have purchased the new Dinex® Smart•Therm™
Induction Charger. Please read this manual for helpful
guidelines on how to use your Equipment. Should you
have any questions concerning the Equipment, please call
the Dinex® Service at 1-888-673-4639.
For your safety, read and follow all cautions,
information and warnings.
Your Smart•Therm Induction Charger was carefully
inspected and packed before leaving our factory. The
transportation company assumes full responsibility for
safe delivery of this equipment. Dinex® cannot assume
responsibilities for damage or loss incurred in transit.
Visible damage or loss should be noted on the freight bill
and signed by the person making the delivery.
A freight claim should be filed immediately with the trans-
portation company. If damage is unnoticed or concealed
until equipment is unpacked, notify the transportation
company immediately and tell them you want to file a
concealed damage claim. This must be done within fifteen
(15) days after delivery was made. Be sure to retain all
packing material and cartons.
Use of this symbol identifies a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to the machine or injury to the operator.
If the product is used without observing the
information given under this symbol, minor personal
injury, or damage to equipment may result.
Installation of this equipment should be
performed only by persons qualified or licensed to install
electrical equipment.
• Adjustments and service work should be performed only
by qualified service technicians.
• This equipment is intended for commercial use only.
Not for household use.
• Use of other than genuine Dinex® replacement parts or
service work performed by other than authorized Dinex®
service agents will void the warranty.
• Do not use any corrosive cleaners. Use only mild
The Eq u i p m e nt is for co m m e rcial use in the food serv i ce
i n d u s t ry. It provides maximum induction heating co m p at i b l e
Di n ex® bases. Use in Sm a rt • Th e rm ™ m ode with Di n ex ®
Sm a rt • Th e rm™ base only. Modes 611120 & 611220 can also
be used in coo k - top mode after re m oval of base locato r.
The instructions contained in this manual provide impor-
tant guidelines for the Equipment user regarding a correct
and safe installation. Particular attention should be paid to
the warnings given in various parts of this manual. Do not
attempt to repair this equipment. Repairs are to be per-
formed by authorized personnel only.
• Do not use the machine if glass is broken or if anything
melts onto it.
• Always use an i n d u ction co m p a t i b l e pan 8 inches or more
in diameter on the cook-top surface. (cook-top mode)
• Never use the machine as a work surf a ce or cutting bo a rd.
• Do not attempt to heat aluminum fo i l .
• Never attempt to cook food dire ct ly on the glass surf a ce.
• Always have the base loca tor in place when heating induct i o n
b a s e s.
Do not put Smart•Therm
base in microwave
Please note that this appliance is for commercial
use only and must be used exclusively for the purposes
The following instructions reduces the risk
of fire, electrical shock or injury.
1. Carefully remove any packing material from the charger
and check loose packing material for small parts or
accessories. Inspect charger for concealed damage
before putting packing material aside. Keep packing
until you are confident with equipment application.
2. The Smart•Therm™ charger (mdl 611120) is equipped
with a three-prong electrical plug. The Smart•Therm™
chargers (mdls 611220, 611208, 611240) are equipped
with a locking plug. These plugs are part of a system
that will protect you from serious injury if something
goes wrong with the electrical wiring in the charger. Be
sure the plug is plugged into a matching soc ket that is
p ro pe rly gro u n d e d.
DO NOT cut or break off the large third prong
in this plug, or change the plug or power cord in any way.
Doing so will create a safety hazard and also void the
A product identification
l a bel on the bo t tom of the charger specifies the ope rat-
ing vo l t a g e, wat t a g e, c u rre nt, f re q u e n cy, and phase of
c h a rg e r.
Plugging or wiring the charger into less vo l t-
age than the charger is rated may significa nt l y
d e c rease the pe rfo rm a n ce or seve rely damage elec-
t ronic co m po n e nt s.