of the pocket, once properly swaged,
the dents will no longer be visible.
Primer System Change Over
The Super 1050 has been shipped to
you with either the large or small primer
system installed. To change the system
from large to small or vise versa, follow
these instructions:
Be sure all primers have been removed
from the primer system. Then remove the
Early Warning System and the knurled
cap. Then remove the primer magazine
(#22031 - large or #22030 - small) and
replace it with the new size magazine.
Be sure the key on the tip (#14003 -
large or #14024 - small) is in the slot and
the magazine is all the way down in
Fig. 32
Pull the operating handle to its down
Loosen the lever arm bracket screw
(#14037) and slide the bracket assem-
bly up four inches and lock it in place.
Fig. 33
Raise the operating handle, remove
the two primer feed body screws
(#13363) and lift off the primer feed
body assembly (#20773).
Remove the toolhead ratchet (#11688)
by removing the bolt (#12486).
Fig. 34
Remove the powder bar return rod
(#13960) from the powder measure bell-
crank lock link assembly (#11234) by re-
leasing the return rod clip (#13929).
Fig. 35
Remove the casefeed tube (#20533*)
and place it on your bench. Remove the
Fig. 36
For more information
see the following section: TOOLHEAD
Now remove the shellplate lock nut
(#13425) by loosening the four locator
tab screws (#13895) about four full turns.
Fig. 37
Loosen the ejector tab screw
(#13896) and swing the ejector tab
(#13189) out of the way.
Fig. 38
slide the casefeed plunger (#13073*)
back and remove the shellplate.
Rotate the primer slide stop (#13108)
90˚. This will allow you to remove, and
replace, the primer slide (#20318 - large
or #20317 - small).
Fig. 39
Next, remove the bushing (#13031 -
large or #13222 - small); spring
(#13858) and punch (#12849 - large or
#13307 - small) and replace them with
the parts for your new primer size. Note
Fig. 32 - Note the shape of the key at the
base of the primer magazine tip.
Fig. 33 - Slide the bracket assembly up and
out of the way – retighten the lever arm
bracket screw to hold it in place.
Fig. 35 - After removing the clip and discon-
necting the rod, replace the clip in the rod
for safe-keeping.
Fig. 36 - To remove the toolhead unscrew
the toolhead bolt and remove.
Fig. 34: Remove the toolhead ratchet by first
removing the bolt (#12486). See the Tool-
head schematic on page 27
Fig. 37 - The four lock ring screws need only
be loosened about four turns to remove the
shellplate lock nut.
Fig. 38 - Loosen the screw and swing the
ejector tab out of the way.
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