Favorite Channel
Aft er the select ion of favorite chan nels press
k ey twi ce to s ave d ata an d pres s
key r epeat edly to see if each o f the f avorit e grou ps are prope rly selected.
mean s scra mbled chann el.
Move Channel
Favorite Channel
1)W hen you e nter c hann el manager, the
def ault fa vorite group will be sho wed once
on the sc reen a s Favo rite 1.
2)I f you p ress f avorite key ( Green color key)
on the R CU, new f avorite grou p wil l be
cre ated n ewly a s Favo rite 2 and Favorite 3.
How to make favorite group :
1)I n the favorit e mod e, pre ss
ke y on
the RCU then the comme nd b ox wil l be
dis played on th e scree n.
2)S elect "
" in the
com mend box.
3)You can edit t he nam e by using k eypad .
How to edit the name of Fa vorite group :
Rename Favorite group
Move Channel
In the T V cha nnel manag er pa ge, p ress
ke y (Yellow c olor ke y) on the RCU.
Se lect a chann el by press ing
key and
mo ve the curso r to th e loca tion in which you
wa nt to move the selected ch annel and
pre ss
key. The n, yo u wil l find the
sel ected chann el is moved to th e des ired
loc ation and c hanne l no. also c hange d in
ord er acc ording ly.
An d chec k whe ther t he ch annel numb er is
cha nged on the chann el list.