Ch annel M anager
Channel Manager
Chan nel m anage r cons ists o f TV channel,
Radio chan nel.
k ey pla cing the
curso r on th e TV Channel.
:Since the usage of Radio Ch annel is
same as th at of T V cha nnel, in this manu al
only TV Cha nnel manag er is explain ed.
The receive r prov ides m ost po werful channel ma naging funct ion in the wo rld and this
funct ion allows y ou to have a more inte restin g and usefu l ope ration as we ll as
watch ing ch annel s simp ly.
Also, press
key on t he RC U, then
command m enu w ill be d isplay ed.
TV c hanne l man ager h as 3 comm ands as
below :
1. Delete mode(Red ke y)
2. Favorite mode(Gree n key)
3. Move mode(Yellow key)
4. Lock mode(Blue key)
1. Rename Favorite group
2. Rename
3. Sort
Grap hic (PIG) mo de (1/9 size of the norm al) an d you can s ee channel inform ation
unde r the PIG scr een.
When you move c ursor f rom one cha nnel to anoth er, PIG will c hange accordingly.
In the left s ide of TV ch annel menu, you can
see the ch annel list which were alrea dy
searc hed a nd in the right side, you can
watch the c urrent chann el in small Picture in
Favorite Channel
You c an util ize tho se color key s on th e RCU as be low :
When you select chann el ma nager, default
favor ite list will be showed on the s creen as
Favo rite 1.
Selec t your favor ite cha nnel a nd then pre ss
OK k ey. Th en
will b e mar ked a t rear of
your selected cha nnel n ame.
And i f you want to dele te the chann el nam e
in the favo rite channel list, press
k ey
on ce ag ai n, th en th e
mark will b e
disap peare d.
Favorite Channel