1) Antenna
2) Satellite
3) Edit Mode
EDIT mode
4) ~ 14)
: Se lect your antenna numbe r.
: Se lect d esired a sate llite u sing
key s or if you pr ess
key, the li st of
sat ellite will be disp layed so tha t you can
sel ect ea sily.
You can see the in forma tion o f sele cted
sat ellite i n the r ight sid e.
: If y ou wa nt to edit those
pre progra mmed data such as Tra nspon der,
Fre quenc y, Sy mbol Rate, Polari zation and
22 KHz, please press
key (Red
col or ke y) on the RCU to d i splay the
com mand box. And then y ou ca n mov e to
tho se col umns to cha nge th e value .
Pleas e refe r to DiSEqC 1.2 type
ant enna.
1) OSD Language
2) Audio Language
3) Set local time
4) Summ er time
: Sele ct yo ur desired
lan guage .
: Select your d esired
aud io lan guage to be in the top pri ority u nder
the condi tion th at this langu age is suppo rted
fro m the c hanne l.
: Adjust yo ur loca l time .
: If yo u are in sum mer ti me,
sel ect
Channel Search-2) Fixed
System Setting
Channel Search-2) Fixed
Syst em Se tting
System Setting
men u allo ws yo u to c hange the p rincip al opti on and to se t othe r
item s pro per to your e nviron ment by pre ssing
key on the RCU.
5) LNB power
: If you r rece iver is conne cted to LNB, selec t
. But if your r eceive r
is c onne cted to othe r rece iver th rough Loop Thro ugh su pport , you should chec k
wh ich rec eiver is con nected direc tly to LNB. I n case if tha t othe r recei ver is directly
con necte d to LN B, se lect