© 2022 Digitrax, Inc.
OPS Mode Programming on the mainline tracks and boosters on
most systems is
write only
, so you can change a CV to a new value you want
without knowing what it was in the decoder. OPS mode read back requires
Digitrax compatible transponding decoders and transponding detectors on the
layout in order to provide the two way communication required for OPS Mode
read back.
7.2.2 Programming Error Messages:
When you are programming decoders, there are a few error messages you may
encounter. The messages will scroll in the
Scrolling Help Text
“Program Track Empty”
means there is an open circuit on the Service
Mode programming track and no current draw is detected by the
“No Decoder ACK Pulse!”
means there is no acknowledgment from the
decoder typically during decoder write operations.
There are many causes for these error messages but most can be solved by
checking the following:
1. Be sure the programming track is connected properly to the command sta-
2. Be sure a decoder is correctly installed in the locomotive with all motor and
pick up connections made correctly. The motor must be connected to draw
sufficient programming acknowledgement current.
3. Be sure the loco with decoder correctly installed is making electrical contact
with the programming track and that it remains in contact with the program-
ming track until programming is complete.
4. Be sure there is not too much current draw from lamps and other loads from
the locomotive that is being programmed.
5. Be sure the decoder you are programming supports the programming mode
you are using. Not all decoders support all programming modes.
7.2.3 Configuration Variable (CV) Programming Notes:
1. Check your decoder manufacturer’s manual for factory settings, recom-
mended CV value ranges and for instructions on resetting the CVs to facto-
ry settings.
2. It is good practice to record the changes you make to the CV values for
each decoder/locomotive combination. This will allow you to profile each
locomotive type for programming similar locomotives.
3. Resetting your decoder CV values to factory settings by writing CV8 to a
value of 8 can eliminate some problems caused by inadvertently changing a
CV value. Writing CV8 to a value of 9 will do a decoder factory reset with-
out changing the decoder 28-step speed table.