DW E.S.T. (Elevated Skin Temperature) System
11. FAQs
11.1. Usability
1. How does thermal imaging technology work?
a. Skin temperature pre-screening cameras detect the skin’s heat radiation. When used properly,
DW’s E.S.T. cameras can be used as a non-contact pre-screening tool to detect differences in skin
surface temperatures.
2. Can DW’s EST system be used to detect a virus such as the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
a. No, thermal imaging and skin temperature capturing cameras cannot be used to detect or
diagnose an infection. DW’s E.S.T. cameras can be deployed in public spaces such as school
entrances, airports, and hospitals as an effective tool for measuring skin surface temperature. People
identified as having an elevated skin temperature should then be screened by medical professionals
using additional tools such as a thermometer and a health questionnaire.
3. Can I use the camera to get alerts without connecting it to a VMS, just with a laptop and browser?
a. The camera comes with an LED strobe included that can be mounted on the camera or next to it.
Also, the camera has an additional alarm output that can be triggered by a temperature event.
4. Do I need to use a switch with the camera to connect it to a PC and can I use a PoE switch?
a. You do not need an additional switch or PoE switch for the camera. Connecting the camera directly
to the PC lets the camera transmit the raw pixels directly and instantly to the PC.
5. How should skin temperature screening be performed?
a. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides full recommendations for Thermal Imaging
Systems (Infrared Thermographic Systems / Thermal Imaging Cameras). Here are several tips to
ensure optimal measurement performance:
Screen people, one at a time to look for temperature anomalies.
Screen people from 10 to 16.4 feet away.
The camera measures the skin temperature near the tear duct. This location provides the
closest temperature match to the human core body temperature.
This is not measuring core body temperature and readings near 35°C (95°F) are common.
Perform a secondary screening on individuals with elevated skin temperature using a
medical device such as a thermometer and a health questionnaire.
6. How many peoples’ temperatures can be measured at the same time?
a. In compliance with industry standards and to achieve specified accuracy, 1 face at a max of every
4 seconds.
7. How accurate is the temperature measurement?
a. With Blackbody, the camera has a temperature accuracy of +/-0.36°F (+/-0.2°C).
8. Can the camera measure in both Celsius and Fahrenheit?
a. Users can customize their view on the monitoring software by selecting the temperature values as
Celsius or Fahrenheit. The software will display the measured temperature in the selected option.
9. Is it possible to switch a relay in the camera when a high temperature is detected?
a. Users can select Normally Open or Normally Closed activation of a relay. The monitoring software
will display the selected preference.
10. Can the camera work outside?
a. It is recommended to set your screening station indoors. Solar loading or reflection could cause