Software Applications For The RWZ52
The RWZ52 is supported on many hardware platforms and by several
software applications. The two most common applications are DEC
Optical Storage Desktop Software(OSDS) for OpenVMS VAX and AXP
on workstations and the CorelSCSI packages for PC platforms.
The DEC OSDS product provides OpenVMS applications and users the
functionality necessary to access Write Once Read Many(WORM) and
multifunction standalone (desktop) optical drives using the conventional
device, file, and record access services provided by the OpenVMS
Operating System. In most cases no changes will be required to existing
applications that use magnetic disk storage. The OpenVMS AXP version
of DEC OSMS provides local access to RW5xx autochangers using
rewritable media only at this time. The order number for DEC OSDS
can be found in Table A-2.
CorelSCSI version 2 will access, maintain and test up to seven devices
connected to a single host adaptor. It supports DOS, WINDOWS and
OS/2 operating systems. CorelSCSI Network Manager has the same
capabilities as version 2 with the addition of network support and fault-
tolerant protection for your network data. Both packages will support
512 and 1024 sector size media, however there is no 2048 sector WORM