TellerScan 4120 User Manual Rev 050609
Installing the USB driver
( Use this process if instructions are not included as part of the application installation)
Windows 2000, XP & Vista - Drivers
1) Download the
river file from the web site.
2) Unzip the file and run the driver utility program to automatically install the firmware
and create a folder for the driver files (C:\Program Files\Tellerscan\Drivers).
3) Turn ON the unit. The left LED on the scanner control panel should now be showing
4) Windows detects a new hardware device. For first time installations, you should not
have to do anything. If the wizard will not finish, go to Device Manager and select to
Update Driver for the USB device and point to (C:\Program Files\Tellerscan\Drivers)
and the TSUSB2.inf file. If run a second time, select the ‘Repair’ option.
5) The USB controller will install as a TSDevice. The TS4120 device will install as a
Tellerscan, once acquired by the
6) The ‘On’ LED will turn green when the application launches.
Install the Demo Software Program
Download from the Digital Check web site if you
did not have an Install CD. If you did, check the Desktop for the ScanLite icon
Use the
ScanLite program for testing the scanner and during the cleaning process
Look for the ScanLite or ScanDemo programs on the web site.
The demo software is a basic scan program that allows you to operate the scanner,
change different scanner settings, view images, and store them on your PC’s hard disk.
The demo program is not the software to run the system. Additional application software
is required. ScanLite is an easier demo program to use and is recommended that it be
used when cleaning the scanner.
In most cases, your scanner will operate under the application provided by the
solution provider that installed it. If you need to manually copy down the demo code:
1. Create a sub directory, i.e. “ScanLite” on the PC.
2. Copy and unzip the ScanLite files into the directory.
3. Launch the ScanLite.exe to open the demo application.