Connecting to a Computer
The Portable Timeclock uses a standard USB connection to the Computer serial port.
Communications are set at a speed of 9600 baud using 8 bits no parity.
A third party VCP USB driver from FTDI is used to convert the USB connection into
a COMM port. Once the driver is installed onto the computer the Windows operating
system will detect the Portable Timeclock when it is first plugged into the USB port.
The driver will then allocate an unused COMM port to the device and this COMM
port can then be selected by the Polling software to communicate with the clock.
It must be noted that if the Portable Timeclock is not plugged into the
AC adapter then the user will have to turn the unit ON by pressing the
P button before communication can take place.
Polling Software
The Portable Timeclock uses the same Polling software as the TR3 and uses all the
same formats for each of the available commands.
The Polling functions available are:
Software Upgrade
command will have the same contents as the TR3 but those functions
that are not available in the TR3 will show as disabled. Below is an example of the
Status request:
01 Job Costing Enabled
01 Job Accept Auto
01 Job Limit Match Less or Equal
01 Job Table Match Disabled
01 Job Table Check Disabled
01 Emp Limit Match Less or Equal
01 Bell Tables
01 Bell2 Tables Disabled