7 . 10
7 . 10 . 1 General
HK 3 6 TS
Systems Description
The aluminum tank is located behind the backrest beneath the baggage
compartment . The standard version holds 54 l iters ( 14 . 3 US gal . ) ,
the long range version 77 l iters ( 2 0 . 3 US gal . ) o f usable fuel . At
its lowest spot , the tank is connected to the drain on the bottom
side of the fuselage .
The fuel passes through a finger f ilter before it reaches the electric
fuel pump with integrated filter , from there it goes to the fuel shut
off valve , the engine-driven fuel pump and fina l ly to the float
chambers of the two carburetors .
The fuel shut-off valve is located on the left side of the center
console near the pilot ' s feet .
Tap in f light direction
valve OPEN .
Tank drain
To drain the tank sump , activate the spring loaded drain by pushing
the brass tube in with a drain cup . The brass tube protrudes appr o
3 0 mm ( 1 . 2 in . ) from the fuselage contour and i s located on the left
hand side of the fuselage bottom , approximately at the same station
as the fuel filler.
7 . 10 . 4 Fuel
The fuel quantity indicator i s adjusted for flight attitude . A
slightly low indication i s therefore possible on the ground .
Revision No .
Doc . No .
Page No .
2 5 Aug 1 9 9 7
3 . 01 . 06
Jan 1 9 9 6
7-1 4