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DA852x-UG02-608 Page 20 of 47
User Guide Release 2.0
DA852X E Ink Evaluation Kit
Display Controllers
Record Slide
Clicking this starts recording of all mouse clicks which toggle segment outputs. The control
turns red to indicate recording mode. Clicking Record Slide again causes the recording mode
to finish, opening a dialog box to prompt a filename for the slide. It is not necessary to add the
.txt suffix, this will be done automatically. If an existing file is selected, the option to Replace
or Cancel is provided.
Waveform Transitions
Indicates the type of transitions in use. See Section 3.4.1
Update Mode
If Update Mode is Synchronous, mouse clicks are not transmitted immediately to display. If
mode is Immediate, mouse clicks are transmitted immediately, but this could result in fairly
slow response due to the Enable time of the display. The default mode is Immediate.
Update Now
Updates the display with stored mouse clicks if mode is Synchronous.
Image Information
Image File Name
Displays Image file name
Width, Height
Displays Image file width and height in pixels.
Visible Image Area
Displays top left and bottom right coordinates of viewed area of image. This is updated during
zoom operations.
Control Bit
Displays segment output associated with clicked area of the image. If area is not associated
with a segment in the map file, displays -1
MouseX, MouseY
Displays position of mouse click on the panel in Bitmap units. 0,0 is in the top left of the
Scroll Bars
These can be used when the image is zoomed in to pan the image vertically or horizontally.
The scroll bars will not allow the image to be scrolled past the limits of the bitmap.
Fill Colour
This allows modification of the colour which will be used to infill the symbols on the PC
display. This should not be the same colour as the outline of the symbols.