Adjustment and Calibration
The instrument is adjusted and calibrated at the factory on delivery, adjustment
by the customer is not necessary.
Adjustment is carried out via the interface socket on the rear panel. It can only be
carried out at the factory, adjustments by the customer are not possible.
Information on calibrating the device can be found in chapter 6. Quality control
according to the Guideline of the German Medical Association.
The device is maintenance-free. Maintenance after the warranty period is
recommended, but not mandatory.
Due to the integrated test of the unit functions (chapter 8.5) and regular tests
with control material, maintenance is only recommended if one of these two test
functions indicates an error message.
Cleaning Instructions
Commercially available decontaminating solutions commonly used in clinical
chemistry laboratories, such as Mikrozid® AF Liquid, Bacillol® plus, 3 %
Kohrsolin® or similar, are recommended for cleaning the device and the surface.
Before cleaning the unit with a soft cloth and the decontaminating solution, it
must be switched off and the electrical power supply must be disconnected.
Make sure that no liquids get into the device. There is no protection against
penetrating liquids (Code IP X0).
The cuvette shaft must not be cleaned by the user of the device, as this may
damage the device. If cleaning is necessary, especially because of leaking liquids
or broken glass, please contact Diaglobal GmbH.
If any malfunctions or problems occur, simply call us. Most questions can be
answered on the phone. Non-functional units should be sent to our Berlin address.
We will provide a loan device for the duration of the repair.
Diaglobal GmbH will take back and dispose of units that are no longer needed or
cannot be repaired, free of charge.
Required reagents and laboratory accessories
Expiration date of consumables
It is important to ensure that all consumables may only be used within the
expiration date.