After centrifugation of the microvette, please make sure that the
centrifugate has separated completely and that the supernatant is clear and
free of any solid particles. If not, repeat the centrifugation. If the supernatant
is not free of suspended matter or if particles of the centrifugate accidentally
enter the capillary, the measurement result will be incorrect.
If blood is taken from the fingertip or earlobe, note that the first drop that
forms spontaneously must be wiped away with a cellulose swab. It contains a
high proportion of tissue fluid, which will corrupt the measurement result.
The second drop that forms is for blood sampling. To support blood collection,
it may be pressed carefully (!). The emphasis on carefully, otherwise too much
tissue fluid will get into the blood sample again.
Make sure that the blood drop that forms is large enough to fill the capillary
with the required sample volume in one go. Repeated filling of the capillary
leads to air bubbles that cannot be removed from the capillary. If air bubbles
form, discard the capillary and start sampling again.
The capillary must be filled exactly up to the black ring mark.
Please note: A deviation of only 1 mm from the ring mark is sufficient to
obtain a completely incorrect measurement result!
If the sample is above the black ring mark, this will lead to incorrect positive
measurement results. A cellulose swab can be used to carefully soak up too
much blood.
If the sample is below the black ring mark, this will lead to incorrect negative
measurement results. In this case, correction is hardly possible due to the air
bubble that will form when trying to collect more blood.
Before the capillary is placed in the cuvette, the lower area must be carefully
wiped on the outside with a cellulose swab to remove sample particles
attached to the capillary. Otherwise, this would lead to incorrect positive
measurement results.
With the help of the micropipetter, the sample is completely transferred into
the cuvette. The complete transfer of the sample is done by ejecting it several
times with the help of the push button on the micropipetter.
Please note: The micropipetter is only used when the capillary is filled with the
sample. It is not needed for filling the capillary. The capillary is filled by the
capillary action alone.
When changing the cap with the starter cap, make sure that the substance in
the starter cap has completely dissolved. Failure to do so will result in a non-
linear kinetic reaction process, which will lead to an error message in the
display or unreliable measurement results.