All articulation points equipped with grease nipples should be lubricated with acid free grease after installation, and once in service
with intervals as indicated in the MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST.
Refer to appendix 19.7 from page 55 onwards for the relevant maintenance checklist for DH-R* style liftgates.
Download any grease plans from the website at:
www.dhollandia.com → Country & language selection → Downloads →
Maintenance & Repair
plans → … select required
Use a grease gun to inject grease until a grease collar is formed on both sides of the articulation that will protect it from ingress of
water, salt, sand, and dirt etc.
Note that some grease nipples might be less visible, located in the pin itself, or in the larger assembly that pivots around the pin.
In case a pin has 2 grease nipples, grease both sides.
Ensure all grease nipples work correctly. Replace any defective nipples.
Always use acid-free grease. The use of graphite grease is not allowed.
To give the liftgate a good start and maximize its longevity, it is important to grease all pivot points thoroughly after installation.