1 - General inspection on the fitting parameters
The vehicle is technically suitable for the type of lift and its max. rated capacity.
The requirement for mechanical or hydraulic stabilizing legs has been checked and been fulfilled (if applicable).
The actual fitting dimensions don’t exceed the theoretical maximum fitting dimensions mentioned in the fitting drawings.
The lift has been fitted to conform with the fitting instructions of DHOLLANDIA and the Body Building Guidelines of the
OEM vehicle manufacturer.
All safety decals have been affixed in conformance with the installation instructions and are clearly legible.
2 - Inspection of the mechanical part
The size, number and spread of mounting bolts conform with the installation instructions. All bolts are fastened to the
prescribed torque values. Check for potential deformation of the mounting bolts and plates after weight testing.
All articulation pins and retaining bolts are properly fastened and secured.
Areas of drilling, cutting, grinding, welding etc. are adequately protected against corrosion.
3 - Inspection of the electrical part
Voltage of the lift is compatible with voltage of the vehicle. The batteries & alternator suit the lift capacity, application &
frequency of use.
The cabin switch in the driver’s cabin and the main battery disconnect switch on the power pack (whichever is applicable)
function OK.
The main fuse or circuit breaker, the battery and ground cables are fitted correctly and conform to the fitting instructions.
All bolted connections of cables and fuses are properly tightened and secured.
All electrical connections are coated with dielectric grease.
The position of the power pack and remote control conforms to the fitting instructions.
The “hold-to-run” principle works on all control units: any ongoing movement should immediately stop when one of the
corresponding switch is released.
The cables going from the cassette to the power pack are properly routed, and cannot be damaged during the various
movements of the lift.
The electrical platform mounted options (flashing lights) function properly.
4 - Inspection of the hydraulic part
There are no visible oil leaks after the load test in operation and at rest.