Serial Port Console Redirection
This section configures settings relevant to serial port console redirection.
Console Redirection
This field is used to enable or disable the console redirection function. When
console redirection is set to enabled, console redirection settings are available as
instructed below.
► Console Redirection Settings
Terminal Type
Select terminal type: VT100, VT100+, VT-UTF8 or ANSI.
Bits per second
Select serial port transmission speed: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200.
Data Bits
Select data bits: 7 bits or 8 bits.
Select parity bits: None, Even, Odd, Mark or Space.
Stop Bits
Select stop bits: 1 bit or 2 bits.
Flow Control
Select flow control: None or Hardware RTS/CTS.
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
Version 2.20.1271. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
Select Screen
Select Item
Enter: Select
+/- : Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit
The settings specify how
the host computer and the
remote computer (which
the user is using) will ex-
change data. Both comput-
ers should have the same
or compatible settings.
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
Version 2.20.1271. Copyright (C) 2019 American Megatrends, Inc.
Select Screen
Select Item
Enter: Select
+/- : Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F9: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit
Emulation: ANSI:
Extended ASCII char set.
VT100: ASCII char set.
VT100+: Extends VT100
to support color, function
keys, etc. VT-UTF8: Uses
UTF8 encoding to map
Unicode chars onto 1 or
more bytes.
Console Redirection Settings
Terminal Type
Bits per second
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Flow Control