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BIOS Setup
Current CPU Frequency is
This field will show the detected frequency of the CPU.
CPU Clock Setting
This field provides several options for selecting the external system
bus clock of the processor. The available options allow you to adjust
the processor’s bus clock by 1MHz increment.
Selecting an external bus clock other than the default setting
may result to the processor’s or system’s instability and are not
guaranteed to provide better system performance.
DRAM Clock Setting
This field is used to select the clock speed of the DIMM.
PCIE Clock Setting
This field is used to select the PCI Express clock.
CPU FSB Ratio Setting
This field is used to select the CPU FSB ratio.
CPU ‘n’ NB Bus Ratio Setting
This field is used to select the bus ratio between the CPU and
north bridge.
NB--->SB Bus Ratio Setting
This field is used to select the bus ratio from the north bridge to
the south bridge.
NB<---SB Bus Ratio Setting
This field is used to select the bus ratio from the south bridge to
the north bridge.