Award BIOS Setup Utility
Bank Interleave
The options are Enabled and Disabled.
Precharge to Active (Trp)
The options are 2T and 3T.
Active to Precharge (Tras)
The options are 5T and 6T.
Active to CMD (Trcd)
The options are 2T and 3T.
DRAM Drive Strength
When this field is set to Manual, you must select a value in the
“DRAM Drive Value” field.
DRAM Drive Value
This field is used to select a value for the DRAM drive strength.
DDR DRAM Command Rate
The options are 1T Command and 2T Command.
AGP & P2P Bridge Control
Move the cursor to this field and press <Enter>. The following fields
will appear.
AGP Aperture Size
This field is relevant to the memory-mapped graphics data of the
AGP card installed in your system. Leave this in its default setting.
AGP Mode
This field allows you to select the AGP mode (data transfer rate)
that your
AGP card suppor ts to enable enhanced graphics
performance with high bandwidth speeds.
1X mode provides data transfer rate of up to 264MB/sec.
2X mode provides data transfer rate of up to 528MB/sec.
4X mode provides data transfer rate of up to 1066MB/sec.