Keyboard error or no keyboard present
Cannot initialize the keyboard. Make sure the keyboard is attached
correctly and no keys are being pressed during the boot.
Manufacturing POST loop
System will repeat POST procedure infinitely while the keyboard con-
troller is pull low. This is also used for the M/B burn in test at the fac-
BIOS ROM checksum error - System halted
The checksum of ROM address F0000H-FFFFFH is bad.
Memory test fail
The BIOS reports memory test fail if the memory has error(s).
Driver Installation
To install the IDE drivers supported by the 586TXD system board,
please refer to the “Readme” file contained in the provided diskette for
detail information. All steps or procedures to install software drivers are
subject to change without notice as the softwares are occassionally up-
dated. Please refer to the readme files for the latest information.
If you are running Windows
95, please refer to the following section for
installation instructions.
Pre-installation Guide to Windows
Before you install Windows
95 (Win95, Win95+, Win95 OSR1: Win-
dows 95 OEM Service Release 1, Win95 OSR2: Windows 95 OEM Ser-
vice Release 2.0 or Win95 OSR2.1: Windows 95 OEM Service Release
2.0 plus USB Supplement), please follow the steps below.
1. Create a directory in your hard drive (e.g. c:\win95).
2. Copy all Windows 95 directories from your Windows 95 CD to the
directory you have created in your hard drive.
3. After copying the directories, run Setup from c:\win95.