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5.1 DC input terminal connec�on
5 Electrical Connec�on
Table 5.1 DC Cable Specifica�ons
1. Switch the Grid Supply Main Switch(AC)OFF.
2. Switch the DC lsolator OFF.
3. Assemble PV input connector to the inverter.
Safety Hint:
Please don’t connect PV array posi�ve or nega�ve pole to the ground, it could
cause serious damages to the inverter.
Safety Hint:
Before connec�ng inverter, please make sure the PV array open circuit voltage is
within the 1000V of the inverter.
GFDI fault:
Safety Hint:
Before connec�on, please make sure the polarity of the output voltage of PV
array matches the “DC+” and “DC-” symbols.
Safety Hint:
Please use approved DC cable for PV system.
Cable type
Recommended value
Cross section
(mm )
Industry generic PV cable
(model: PV1-F)
Pic 5.1 DC+ male connector (MC4)
Pic 5.2 DC- female connector (MC4)
Before the inverter starts to connect to the grid, the inverter will first detect
the impedance of PV + to ground, and the impedance of PV- to ground. If any
of these impedance values is less than 33 kΩ, the inverter will not connect to
the grid and will report an error F04 on its LCD.At the same �me, the buzzer
will sound.For the machine installed with Wi-Fi/GPRS, the alarm informa�on
can be seen on the corresponding monitoring website, and can also be received
by the APP on the mobile phone.