FAQ - GigE Camera
GigE checkbox in Dewesoft settings missing / Support for 64
bit Windows
For 64-bit Windows, all three OptoMotive GigE paths needed
to be set to Win32_i86 in Environment variable PATH. Go to
My Computer and click System properties > Advanced
system settings > Advanced tab > Environment Variables
>System variables > select Path > Edit. Make the following
Save and reset Windows. Path correctness can be checked
by GetEnviromentVariable('PATH');
GigE plugin is not found in Dewesoft
Issue: In driver Optomotive does not run file hard link to GigEVisionSDK_32bit_dll.bat during installation.
Solution: So it needs to be done manually; run CMD as Admin and run the file from the folder \Program
When this is done, Dewesoft normally recognizes the GigE plugin.
No picture shown, No frames receivederror
If you receive the error NO FRAMES RECEIVED, check:
Is the Trigger cable connected?
Try decreasing the Shutter value
Check-in hardware setup if the Dewesoft USB device is set to Master or Standalone
Disable Trigger in hardware setup and check if it's working in free-run mode (cable problem?)
Camera not found (not in OptoStreamViewer, not in
Check Windows Firewall settings.