rECEptaClE tHErMal CIrCuIt BrEakErS
The receptacle thermal circuit breakers protect
the receptacles. Overloading the generator
will trip the thermal circuit breaker (U). If a
thermal circuit breaker moves to the tripped
position as shown:
1. Disconnect the electrical load from the
2. Allow the circuit breaker to cool.
3. Push the thermal circuit breaker to reset. If thermal circuit breaker
will not reset, contact a D
WALT factory service center or a
WALT authorized service center.
The 120/240V twist-locking re ceptacle does not have a ther-
mal circuit break er. The receptacle is protected by the main breaker.
High ambient temperatures can cause thermal breakers to trip.
GfCI DuplEx rECEptaClES (120V)
All 20A convenience receptacles are GFCI (V) protected. The GFCI
protects you against hazardous electrical shock caused when your
body becomes a path through which electricity travels to the ground.
This could happen when you touch a cord of an appliance that is “live”
through faulty mechanism, dampness or worn insulation, etc. The
GFCI shuts off the power to the recep tacle when it senses small imbal-
ances caused by current leakage to the ground.
Each GFCI should be tested for proper operation every
time the generator is used, see
test GfCI
under Maintenance.
tWIStloCk rECEptaClES (120V)
notE: (DG4400B, DG4400BC, DG6300B, DG6300BC, DG7000B,
The 20A and 30A twistlock receptacles are not protected
by the GFCI. Use a GFCI protected spider box or GFCI adapter to
connect loads to the 20A and 30A twistlock receptacles.
notE: (DG3000, DG3000C)
The 20A twistlock receptacle is protected
by the GFCI.
DG4400B, DG4400BC, DG6300B,
DG6300BC, DG7000B, DG7000BC
This switch (R) allows the generator to operate in either single voltage
(120V) or dual voltage (120/240V) mode. When placed in the 120V
position it allows you to receive the full capacity of the generator by
using all the receptacles. When placed in the 120/240 position, you
will only be able to receive half the available watts when using the
120 volt receptacles and the full available watts when using the 240V
4-prong twist-lock receptacle.
Do not move the voltage selector switch (R) while power-
ing electrical devices. Disconnect all electrical loads before moving
the switch. Failure to disconnect electrical loads could damage the
IDlE Control SWItCH
DG4400B, DG4400BC, DG6300B,
DG6300BC, DG7000B, DG7000BC
The idle control switch (Y) automatically reduces engine speed after
all electrical loads attached to the generator have been turned off. The
engine automatically returns to full speed when an electrical load is
turned back on. Using this feature is recommended while the generator
is running to minimize fuel consumption.
to use the idle control feature:
1. Place the idle control switch (Y) in the ON position.
idle control switch must be in the OFF position when starting the
Using the idle control switch IS NOT recommend on large motors
(refrigerators, freezers, etc) or voltage sensitive electronic equipment
(computers, televisions, etc). For these applications
2. Place the idle control switch in the OFF position.