Installation - Step 2
Recommendations :
The operating principle of the electrode steam humidifier is the electrolyse
where an electrical current runs through stainless steel electrode plates
immersed in water made conductive by the mineral salts it contains.
The ElectroVap humidifier can produce steam from 3 water qualities having
the following characteristics :
Town water or raw water : the water TH should be
between 0 and 40°
French grade
for a conductivity
between 1000µ and 350µS/cm (Micro
Siemens per centimetre).
Softened water: water treated by sodium/calcium permutation on resins.
The titration value TH should be kept as constant as possible and
0° and 2°
It is essential that the salt maintenance of softeners be programmed for the
water volume consummed in order to prevent an excessive salt
concentration to humidifer once the regeneration cycle is finished (please
refer to the softener’s user manual). Duplex softeners are best suited to your
humidifier in this regard. In doubt, please consult
Demineralised water: this is a water treatment by reverse osmosis or
running through resins.
The ElectroVap humidifier can work with demineralised waters having a
minimum water quality of
. A tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda
must be added on start-up to initiate steam production.
No chemical agent whatsoever (chlorine, disinfectant, ozone… ) must
be added to the water. Some water qualities may generate foam that
can disturb the correct functionning of the humidifier. If this occurs to
your humidifier, please refer to
for further assistance.
Recommendations on water tapping :
A fresh mains cold water service should be used to supply the unit. The
water pressure should not exceed 6 bar and should not be inferior to 1 bar
with a temperature less than 40°C.
The water supply connection is on the bottom of the unit. All the KIT MC
are supplied with a 500 mm long water inlet hose with a 3/4
connection to the cold water supply.
A check valve should be located on
the mains and cold water service connection to the unit
The KIT MC humidifier uses water to produce steam so leakage may
happen causing potential damage. If an installation in false ceiling or
above prime rooms such as museum, exhibition or laboratory rooms
is considered, ensure that the floor below the humidifier is
constructed from waterproof materials (with draining facilities) to
withstand any water spilling during servicing or if a problem occurs.
b a
The water level must be
between « a » and « b » for
the maximum capacity of
the cylinder.