User Manual v2.19
Email notifications
The final configuration tab is the Email tab for sending secure, AES encrypted email
notifications from the module.
Up to eight (8) email notifications may be set up, selected by the eight radio buttons.
Setting up emails is quick and easy. You just need the recipients email address, a notification
message which will be the email subject line and the trigger event.
The trigger event uses the same boolean equation solver as the relay automation. So if you
want to trigger an email when digital input 1 (I/O1) becomes active, just enter D1.
The email message is automatically filled in with useful information on the state of the relays,
I/O's etc.
Boolean equations are used for controlling relays as well as triggering email notifications.
See the “Boolean equation” section later in this manual for full documentation.
Note - Email notifications are limited to 100/hour.
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