User Manual v2.19
Relay automation
The box to the right of the relay name box is used to give a little automation to the relay.
Leave this blank (or zero) for normal operation, that is just toggling the relay on/off from the
button on the application page.
If you place a number in this box then that is the pulse time for the relay in mS (1000mS = 1
second). The minimum value is 100mS. The maximum is 2147483647 (more than 24 days).
When the relay is toggled on timing begins and at the end of the time period the relay goes off
again. If the button is pressed again during timing then the timing is restarted.
The above example will turn off the yard lights after 30 minutes. 1800000 mS is 1800 seconds.
1800 seconds is 30 minutes.
It also possible to insert a boolean equation into the automation box. Boolean equations are
just simple equations that evaluate to a 0 or 1.
For example Relay 1 is referred to a R1. I/O1 is referred to as D1 (Digital 1). Analogue input 1
is referred to as A1.
Here's a very simple example:
Enter R1 into the Relay 2 automation box. This will make relay 2 copy whatever you do to
Relay 1. Try it!
Now change it to !R1.
The exclamation mark is read as “Not R1”. Now relay 2 will always be the opposite of relay 1.
Try it.
Boolean equations are used for controlling relays and also to trigger email notifications.
See the “Boolean equation” section later in this manual for full documentation.
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