User Manual v3.01
Set Reset & Toggle boxes
When used, these three controls contain boolean equations. The “Set Relay” box will set the
relay when the boolean equation becomes true. The other two boxes reset and toggle the relay
when the boolean equation become true.
This is important!
The Set, Reset and Toggle controls are transitory (edge triggered) controls.
The relays are only affected at the moment the boolean equation becomes true. This differs
from the Follow box where the relay continuously follows the output state of the equation.
In the previous example where we placed R2 in relay 1’s Follow control, relay one will always
be the same as relay 2. If relay 2 is off and we click relay 1 (YardLights) nothing will happen.
However if we want relay1 to be controlled by relay 2 as above, and also want to be able to
toggle it on/off from the webpage, we can put R2 in the “Set Relay” box and !R2 in the “Reset
Relay” box.
Try it.
Power-up restore
When checked, the relay is restored to the previous state it had when power was lost. If the
relay was on when power was lost or the module was turned off, then the relay will be turned
on when the module is powered up again.
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