User Manual v3.01
Accessing your webpage from the internet
Now you have your webpage up and running on your local network, for example, and you can access the webpage and control the module.
You just go to, and the page is there.
However you can't get directly at that page from your phone when you are away from home.
You can't access it on because your network is not publicly accessible, its a
private network address. You will have another IP address. This is the one your ISP gave you
for your internet connection, and is the public IP address of your router on the internet. If you
don't know what it is you can type “my ip” into Google's search bar and it will tell you. This is
the IP address you will use to access the modules webpage.
Everything on the internet uses an IP address and a port number.
When you access a webpage in your browser all you enter is the IP address (or more likely a
domain name, but its ultimately translated to an IP address). You don't normally have to enter
a port number but its still required. Your browser simply uses the default port number, which is
80 for the web, unless otherwise specified our modules also use port 80 for the webpage.
However its a good idea to use a different port number for our boards as this will avoid conflict
with any web server you may have on your network.
Pick a number, I'll choose 19321 as our port number. Just make sure its different from any
TCP/IP port number you are using. The HTML port is set on the Webpage Security tab.
After you have re-loaded the program you can access the webpage with:
Note that as we have changed the modules html port we need to tell the browser how to find
the page with the new port number. Do that by inserting a ':' character and the port number
between the IP address and the page name as shown above.
Assuming your routers internet IP address is (I made that up – replace with your
actual IP address) you will access the page from anywhere with address:
However first you have to set up your router to do that.
It's called “port forwarding” or “virtual server”, but whatever your router calls it, you need to
set it up so that all incoming connections on port 19321 are forwarded to port 19321 on local
IP address
Unfortunately there are so many routers out there we cannot give details on all of them. You
should consult your routers manual or search Google for details on your specific router.
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Devantech Ltd.
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