User Manual v3.01
Function 05 (0x05) Write Single Coil
This function is used to write to a single coil (relay or I/O). Coils 1-8 are the relays 1-8. Coils
9-15 are the I/O's 1-7 remapped to coils 9-15.
Function 15 (0x0F) Write Multiple Coils
Use this function when you need to write to multiple relays and I/O’s at the same time. Coils
9-12 are the I/O's 1-4 remapped to coils 9-12. You can write to coils 1 through to 12 at the
same time. The missing coils 3-8 will be ignored and not generate errors.
Error code 1
This error is returned if an unknown or unimplemented function is received. Only functions 1, 4
& 5 are implemented.
Error code 2
This error is returned if an illegal address is requested. Addresses greater than 15 for functions
1 & 5 or greater than 7 for function 4 will generate this error.
Error code 3
This error is returned if an illegal data value is received. Number of points = zero will generate
this as will an illegal data value for function 5.
Modbus Gateway
If the Modbus/TCP/IP frame has a UID that does not match the one you set in the TCP/IP
config screen, the module will assume this is for another Modbus module connected to the
RS485 port. It will use the UID as the Module address, convert the request to RTU format and
send it to the downstream module. This could be an MBH88 for example. The return frame is
then converted back to Modbus/TCP/IP format and returned to you.
Make sure you set the Parity and Baud Rate in the TCP/IP config screen to match your Modbus
RTU modules.
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Devantech Ltd.
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