Customer Documentation DEV 5071
Copyright DEV Systemtechnik GmbH 2007-2017
this user will then have all rights but only access to the Password and
Language functionality within the Setup Tab. A user with "read" permission
additionally is not able to apply any changes within the other tabs of the Web
To add a new user, enter a name in the text field "User Name", select the
appropriate permission category and click on the button Add New User .
A confirmation window pops up and the user is added to the "User List" drop
down list.
To delete a user, select a user from the drop down list "User List" that it
appears in the field "User Name". Click on the button Delete User . A
confirmation window pops up and the user is deleted from the "User List".
A click on the button Exit closes the functionality and initiates the return to
the Setup Tab.
As already mentioned, user names and passwords are case sensitive!
When adding a new user, this user logs on the first time without any
password. It is recommended that the originator (or the new user) logs in
as the new user (without a password) to set up a password by using the
Password and Language functionality (please refer to chapter
It is not possible to delete the ADMIN user but it is recommended to
change the default password!