F l u i d W a s t e E v a c u a t i o n & D i s p o s a l
(MODELS 1500-00 & 1300-00)
For Models 1500 and 1300, the Aqua-Box power button is
pre-set to stay on for 2 minutes. This pre-set time can be
easily changed by the facility as needed. The “kill” switch will
turn off the unit prior to the end of the timed cycle if desired.
To adjust the automatic timer switch, conduct the following
1. Unscrew the face of the control unit by unscrewing
(counter-clockwise) the four plastic cover screws.
2. Adjust the timer according to your specific needs. The
timer scale is in seconds.
3. Replace the face of the control unit by screwing in
(clockwise) the four plastic cover screws.
(MODEL 1300-R)
For Model 1300-R, the Aqua-Box power button is pre-set to
stay on for 5 minutes. This pre-set time can be easily changed
by the facility as needed. The “kill” switch will turn off the
unit prior to the end of the timed cycle if desired. To adjust
the automatic timer switch, conduct the following steps.
1. Once the electrical cord has been plugged into the 110
volt outlet, the Program should start. The time will need to
be set.
2. Adjust the timer according to your specific needs. The
timer scale is in seconds. Press ESC, scroll down to the clock,
press OK and adjust the timer with the arrow buttons. Press
OK when you have selected the correct times, close the
program and go to Start. Your timers should now be set.
3. Replace the face of the control unit by screwing in
(clockwise) the four plastic cover screws.