Video CD
Title number
Chapt er number
Time number
Playback control (PBC)
Track number
Thi s refer s to a high-density optica l disc on whi ch high -qual ity pict ures and sou nd have bee n
obt ained by mea ns of digital signals. Inco rporation a n ew video compres sion te chnol ogy
(MP EG II) and h igh-de nsity r ecord ing tec hnology, DVD enab les ae stheti cally p leasin g
full -motion vide o to be recor ded ov er long perio ds of t ime (fo r insta nce, a whole movi e can
be recorded). DVD ha s a stru cture consis ting o f two 0.6 mm thin discs wh ich are adhe red
to e ach ot her. Since th e thinner the disc, the hig her th e dens ity at w hich the informati on can
be recorded, a D VD di sc has a grea ter ca pacity than a single 1.2 m m thic k disc . Since the
two thin discs ar e adhered to each other, there is the p otenti al to achieve double-side d play
som etime in the future for ev en longer du ration play.
Thi s contains re cordin gs of p icture s and sound whose quali ty is on a par with th at of v ideo
tape. This playe r also supports Vid eo CD s with playba ck con trol (v ersion 2.0).
Rec orded onto s ome D VD di scs ar e scen es which hav e bee n simu ltaneo usly s hot from
a number of different a ngles (the same sc ene is shot f rom th e front, from the left side, from
the right s ide, etc.). With suc h discs, the ANGLE butto n can be use d to vi ew the scene from
diff erent a ngles .
Thi s is the appearance of the dialo gue at the bo ttom o f the s creen which are pr erecor ded on
som e DVD discs .
The se nu mbers are recorded on DVD discs. Wh en a d isc contains two or more movies, thes e
mo vies ar e numbered as title 1, titl e 2, etc.
The se nu mbers are recorded on DVD discs. A title is s ub- divided i nto ma ny sections, each
of w hich i s numb ered, and sp ecific parts of vide o pres entati ons can be searche d quic kly
using these numbers.
Thi s indic ates th e play time w hich has ela psed from th e start of a d isc or a title. It can be
use d to fin d a sp ecific scene quickly.(It may not work w ith so me dis cs.)
Thi s is rec orded on a V ideo C D (ve rsion 2 .0). The scenes or information to be v iewed
(or listene d to) c an be select ed inte ractiv ely wit h the T V mon itor by looki ng at t he menu
sho wn on the TV moni tor.
The se nu mbers are as signed to the track s whic h are r e- corded on Video CDs a nd CD s. The y
ena ble sp ecific tracks to be l ocated quick ly.
Defin ition of term s
This player has a built in 7" TFT display
window, to pr ovide clear vision, and low
The player ca n play discs with s ignal system
of PAL and N TSC.
Simply by pre ssing the DI SPLAY button on the
remote control unit, information on the player
and dis c can be dis played on the TV s creen
for easy identificati on, The player's operations
and settings can be performed by operating
the remote control while monitoring screen.
The audio soundtrack can be heard in up to 8
languages. (The number of audio soun d
languages de pends on the softw are.)
Subtitl es may be di splayed in on e of a
maximum of 32 languages depending on
the software.
This function allow s you to choose the
viewing angle of sc enes w hich were sh ot
from a number of different angles. (Lim ited
to DVD recorded w ith multiple c amera
This prevents play unsuitable for children.
The player ca n play back discs bearing any
of the following marks:
Pleas e read the p recaut ions before o perati ng .
To av oid an y malfunctions and to pro tect
again st elec tric sh ock, f ire or p erson al injury,
pleas e obse rve th e follo wing:
Avoid placin g the player in are as of:
1) dir ect sunlight o r heating radiators or
close d auto mobile s
2) hig h temperatu re or h igh hu midity
3) Ex cessiv e dust
4) vib ration , impa ct or w here th e surf ace is
tilted as the intern al parts may be ser iously
dama ged.
When the p layer is not u sed, set it in standb y
mode .When left u nused for a lo ng pe riod of
time, the pla yer sh ould b e unp lugged from
the household AC outlet .
Touching in ternal parts o f this player is
dang erous, and m ay cau se serious d amage
to the playe r.
Dono t attem pt to d isassemble the pla yer.
Do no t put a ny for eign o bject o n the d isc tra y.
Keep magn etic ob jects s uch as spea kers,
at a d istanc e from the pl ayer.
Place the player in a horizonta l posit ion.
Do no t plac e the p layer o n amp lifiers orothe r
equip ment w hich may be come hot.
If the re is m oisture insid e the p layer, it may
not operate prope rly.Ple ase tu rn off t he pow er
and w ait ab out on e hour for the moisture to
Powe r Ada ptor P rotection
Ho ld the plug f irmly when conne ctingo r
disco nnec ting th e AC a dapto r.
Do not c onnec t or di sconn ect th e AC
adap tor wh en yo ur han ds ar e wet.
Ke ep the AC ad aptor away from heatin g
appli ances .
Ne ver pu t heav y obj ect on the AC
adap tor.
Do not a ttemp t to rep air or recon struc t
the A C ada ptor in any w ay.
Re move dust, dirt, e tc. on the pl ug at
regular intervals .
If the pla yer ha s bee n drop ped o r
other wise damag ed,se t the p layer to the
stand by modean d disc onnec t the A C
adap tor.
If the pla yer ha s fum es, od ours o rnois e,
set th e play er to the standby mode and
disco nnec t the A C pow er adaptor.
Place ment
Non-use pe riods
No fingers or oth er obj ects inside
Keep away from magne tic ob jects
Stack ing
Cond ensat ion
Remote c ontrol... .. .. .. .. ........... 2
Instr ucti on manua l
.. .. ......... ..1
Batteries (for remot e c ontr ol) .2
AC adaptor s(one for mai n unit;
the other one for monitor) ..... ..2
Audio/Video c able
... .. ......... ..1
Cigaret te li ghte r
...... .. ......... ..1
. .. ......... ..1
Earphone.. .. .. .. ..... .. .......... .. .. .. 2
H e a d re s t c a rr y in g bag w i t h
two st rips....... .... .. ......